Chris Lioutas

Co-CEO and CIO

Chris Lioutas is Co-CEO and Chief Investment Officer at Genium Investment Partners, a specialist investment consulting and research house. Chris founded Genium (formerly Insight Investment Consultants) in 2013 and is jointly responsible for running the Genium business and leading Genium’s consulting and portfolio management services. He acts as the firm’s primary consultant whilst maintaining significant research coverage.

Chris currently acts as PSK Private Wealth’s CIO, a position he has held since 2013. Chris previously worked for CBA Advice where he worked in the Advice Research team providing a range of similar consulting and research services to financial advisers and licensees, as well as internal stakeholders. His research has historically covered managed funds, listed securities (shares, ETFs, hybrids), economics, geopolitics, and asset allocation. He has almost 20 years’ experience.

Chris holds a Bachelor of Applied Finance and a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Professional Accounting, and a Master of Applied of Finance, both from Macquarie University.